This is a "little" project I'm working on and though it was meant for simple testing(and if all goes well a present for a good friend)... I started shaping it and got a little carried away.
A few quick swings with a rasp and then dremel came in for touch ups.
So easy to get carried away.
Anyways, this project wasn't really supposed to exist since it was meant as a testing platform for some designs and some video tutorials I'm putting together,'s turning out so awesome that I just can't treat it like it's not worthy of your attention.
This crossbow is really tiny - being somewhere around 23" total in length! The arrow groove/track on this one is actually cut right in the stock...I like the removable tracks, but in this case I made an exception. It was done in two steps - first the slot was cut on a table-saw and next I used a router with a "v" bit to bring the slot to proper dimensions so that the center of the arrow nock is level with the string...which kinda looks like this.
Red pencil is just something I thought would be a nice touch since the lighting in my room is terrible enough to cause the edges to "blend" no matter what angle you shoot from.
Ok, moving on...
The trigger that I have planned is actually kinda radical in a sense that it basically a piece cut from a square pipe...'s pretty flimsy looking stuff, but that's where I remind you and myself that this project was started with testing in mind...and not to be built like a here is the basic concept and the few parts I've cut and case hardened.
Now, before you guys ask me about those aluminum trigger housing walls - those are only for fitting, the housing will be made from steel. The only aluminum part in this trigger will be that piece of aluminum channel which will act as a lever extension that will be linked to the trigger...should be fine(I think ).
This project has been dragging turtle style mainly because I work and barely have any free time, but I hope I get more time to work on it in the next few days...the neighbors aren't complaining yet.
PS: And yeh...of course let me know what you guys think.
Last edited by Ivo on Wed Jun 01, 2011 5:23 pm; edited 2 times in total