For years I'm planning to build myself a crossbow. I have now ordered a prod and other things at alchem.
I'm still busy reading a lot about crossbows; I have the book written by Sir Ralph Payne, and hope to receive today " die armbrust" written by Egon Harmuth ( I could buy this book for Euro 21,00, at the internet sellers ask up to 300,00 Euro's for this book which is rediculously high, luckily my German is much better then my knowledge of the English language).
Also I will visit the armymuseum in Brussels soon to make pictures of the crossbows there. Unfortunally the Dutch army and weaponmuseum is closed; 't was in Delft in an old building which suited this collection very well, they are planning to bring the collection to an existing airforce museum in a couple of years. I know there is a book written about the crossbow collection in this museum; so a warning; the collection can't be visited at the moment
In the south and east of my country, in Flanders too, there are a fair amount of clubs for crossbowshooting. Many of these clubs are centurys old and were originally founded as militias. These old clubs shoot with ancient style crossbows and keep alive old traditions, the new style clubs shoot with modern material.
The crossbow I will make will have engraved horn inlay ( i made musical instruments in the past with pearl inlay, so I know how to do it for the most part).
As soon as the building starts i will write about it in this forum together with pictures. Maybe i sometimes need advice from other members