I apologize for not taking any pictures yet.. The gas piston is completed, the limbs are mostly completed and I am currently working on the riser
I will post pictures asap for your enjoyment
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If there is a will, there is a way.
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Samuel Wilhelm wrote:when do you think it will be finished? can't wait to see it in action!
I live here!
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jeep wrote:Fantastic job! and pro realisation... I think to balance the forces it should be better to link the two front bracket,it will give you also a place to put the aiming apparatus. To avoid torsions would it be possible to put the cams junction in the middle of the limbs ,not under. To help, open the following link, it is the original patent of Robert Van House. Drawing are very clear :http://www.freepatentsonline.com/4169456.pdf (1978). Mi next crossbow will certainly look very close from this. Impatient to see the result. It is like the ultimate crossbow or what ever, dart projector!!!
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