I think it is time for a post-mortum on this tiller.
I was worried that the prod socket was not deep enough, and so decided to deepen it about 1 bow's width, or about 3/16" of an inch. The bone plating on the very front got damaged, which I didnt mind, and was just going to replace it there after finishing the socket. No problem chiseling the socket to deepen it.
Where it all went bad was when I was prying off the damaged bone. You probably can see a lot of figuration, and it seems like wood with figure is very brittle. I am not a wood expert, and can't say why, but I did have to struggle with that brittleness as I was building the tiller.
As I was carefully prying up the bone, with about 90 percent off, wack, this entire chuck flew off and disappeared somewhere in the shop.
I am going to assume this kind of damange is not repairable, since so many forces are at work here. I did want some feedback, and maybe a tiny bit of pity.While I am not thrilled (I cant say how many hours I put into this project thus far), I do believe that this has some valuable lessons in there. My pug is sleeping happily next to me, and life goes on. Guess I will start planning my next bow tomorrow.