This is my interpretation of a flint-lock kind-of crossbow pistol.
It is constructed from 3 layers, cherry core and dense curly maple outer sides. I made a lock nut from laminated cherry and walnut with a 1/4" steel sear insert. To go along with that a trigger/tickler, basically a tickler with a finger trigger, it has pretty good mech advantage. The grip butt/pummel is layer laminated cherry, maple, walnut, the grip has walnut diamond inlays, my inlay work still needs improvement though it is getting better.
The prod is my first attempt at making from steel,(was wanting it to look period), fire hardened though it still feels a little soft, 19", 15" ntn. I`ll make a string for it and give it a try, but I`m not expecting much. Is it even possible to make a descent spring from average cold rolled steel?
In my area there is no one who does tempering work, the last spring shop left town yrs ago! In any case I have a pc of fiberglass flat stock with extremely good spring quality which will work in a pinch until I can get this one tempered or acquire a good steel prod.
Other goodies all hand fashioned are, brass trigger cover plate, brass lock plate, and brass prod lock plates.