The Arbalist Guild

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Crossbows - Everything about Building, Modding, and Using your Crossbow Gear

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» What you building?
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» 12th Century Chinese Crossbow Chronographed
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» Crossbow Stock
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» Colletiere a Charavines continuing experiment
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» Cocking - how
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» Questions around heavy crossbow lath buildin
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» prod angle, and lever trigger for sale anyone?
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» flexible string
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» Codex Löffelholz crossbow
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» Digitar prodsc
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» Troubleshooting
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» Wood Prods
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» Anyone make their own bolts?
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» Skane/Lillohus lockbow information needed
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Silly Person
7 posters



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    Join date : 2009-11-21


    Post by Admin Mon Nov 23, 2009 10:50 am

    In this post we will cover some of the guidelines for the forums. PLEASE take the the time to read and understand BEFORE posting in the forums.

    This forum is fairly laid back. But we like to give people a hard time. There are pretty much only two things we are sticklers for:

    First and foremost: HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY! If you post something, it had better be true. If we ask you about something, you had better respond truthfully. Lies and games are the fastest ways to get on our bad side. Listen to what the Admins and Mods say, and don't resort to childish name calling or gestures if you are reprimanded. We have no problem with jokes and ribbing and stuff, but please it should all be in good fun.

    Please remember that on the internet, it can be hard to differentiate between a statement made in jest, and one made in anger. So make liberal use of the smileys to help express your emotions. That's what they are there for.

    This forum is about open honest discussion about topics of interest to all of us. But we are all different, and our interests views and opinions will differ. We ask that you respect each others points of views and comments. We will do the same for you, however please note that we do not pull punches when it comes to stupidity.

    We don't mind people asking questions. In fact we encourage it. But If you receive a reprimand from an admin for something you do not understand (whether it was done nicely or not), backtalk will only get you somewhere you don't want to be. If you have an objection, state it logically and clearly. Do not hurls insults or smack talk. We have a lot of patience, but continually badmouthing the admins will eventually get you banned.

    There are a lot of projects on this site that deals with unsafe materials or parts. We do not want our members injuring themselves. So do not be surprised if you get yelled at for posting about, describing or even suggesting something unsafe on the forum. IF WE SEE THIS, WE WILL RIP YOU A NEW ONE. We understand that some of you may not have much experience with these things, and that you will make honest mistakes. But that does not mean we will sit idly by while people do stupid things. We will make sure you are aware of the dangers of what you have posted, and will definitely give you a hard time about it.

    So if you are just joining us, be prepared. We mean it. We talk about a lot of dangerous weapons and mechanisms in this forum, but do remember that there is always a safe way to handle even inherently unsafe things. Safety is very important to us. And we'd like it to be just as important to you, so we will constantly remind you of it. Be warned.

    Again, we are a pretty laid back group. We have no problem with a little cussing and swearing, so long as it does not become a substitute for good communication. But we prefer you minimize it as much as possible. We are also not grammar nazis. Nobody is going to ignore what you say because you make typos. But also please make an effort to think about what you are going to say, and try not to step on peoples toes. We have some non-English speaking members, so be especially careful as what you say could easily be misconstrued in other languages...

    We currently allow you to edit your posts. PLEASE DO NOT ABUSE THIS PRIVILEGE! We allow you this ability only to correct mistakes and recant poorly chosen words or attitudes. Do not use it willy nilly. It makes it hard to quote good posts if they are constantly changing. If you are posting a How-To or a step by step walk through on a specific topic, please do it off line, and post it in it's entirety once you are done.

    And that is about the gist of it. As we have stated before, If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask...

    Last edited by Admin on Mon Mar 08, 2010 1:52 am; edited 3 times in total

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    Join date : 2009-11-25
    Age : 36
    Location : NJ, USA

    ***FORUM RULES AND GUIDELINES*** Empty 10 Rules of The Arbalist Guild

    Post by Ivo Wed Nov 25, 2009 5:48 pm

    These established rules are here to improve our forum to help reduce the amount of forum trash we receive. This makes it easier for YOU to find the information you are looking for.

    1.Read the forum before asking your question.
    Read the 'Quick Links', 'Sticky', and 'Important' post first.
    If you are posting a question, has it already been answered? Try using the search feature to save everyone some time.
    The most common questions are answered in the QUICK LINK post found on the left.(Please forward all your questions to FAQ section as the QUICK LINKS are still being compiled)

    2.Keep your posts understandable
    (easily readable basically) Spelling and grammar must be acceptable.Use capitalization correctly (no all caps or lack of caps).Use punctuation and contractions correctly (no Ill and Im).
    If you can, start with a capital letter and end with a punctuation mark.

    3. We have a VERY low tolerance for TEXT SPEAK. A very little is fine but I'd rather not see it.
    lrn 2 spel rite uno tring 2 reed dis crap is fkd a wayst ofmy tym - We have some non-English speaking members, so be especially careful as what you say could be completely useless in a translator.

    4.Banned Topics - DO NOT POST!
    Bombs, Blinding powders, exsplosives, chemicals, abuse, violence. Our weapons are meant for sport/hunting/or just plain fun, if it can not be played with it does not belong on this forum. Do not post about these topics, there are PLENTY of other websites that have that information, no need to copy it here. Not what we deal with.

    5. Post pictures and not the link to the picture.
    We have a link that shows how to post pictures, so post them if you can. Not the link.This goes to videos too, post the video before the link if you can. Use the 'EMBED' code.

    6. Don't be a dick. Kinda simple.
    Be courteous. Respect others. Argue with the post, not the poster.
    It's ok to be sarcastic or a bit of a smart-ass. That's all in fun to a degree. But don't be mean. If you feel the need to tell someone they did something 'wrong' then be an adult about it and don't be a jerk.

    7. We DO NOT discuss shipping or how to ship illegal items in the mail. That will get everybody in a mess we don't want to think about. We do not discuss ways to get around the system such as using private carriers like UPS and such. Stay Clean.
    Don't talk about mailing illegal things, just ask someone their address and say "I want to send you something" DON'T EVER SAY "Hey, I want to send you some explosive/poison arrows" Please, for you...for me, keep it off the forum. We don't want to go to jail for anything.

    8. Before you hit 'POST':
    Spelling ok? Have you reread your posts? Many times you will find small errors when you reread your posts. Some of these errors involve our rules.
    Are you contributing? If you are posting a question, did you provide information for us to help you? If you are posting a response, do you add something else to the discussion?
    Is this in the correct forum? We have multiple forums for a reason - they organize the discussion.

    9.Post quality, not quantity. Make your post worth it.
    If you're gonna tell us about something, if you can, don't just post a link. Post a BUNCH of pictures, lots of info, and the video too. Tell us about it. Give us as much info as you can, make it a great post full of pictures, links, lots of info, everything you can. Make it a post people will be talking about!

    10. Do what your Admin say.
    Especially Mods If they tell you something it was for a reason. These guys are here because they knows what they're talking about, so if they say it it's more than likely true. Me, Ivo, I'll tell you what to do, Some of the Mods will say it in a nicer way, and Others will say it in a funny way. Either way we are the ones who make this place so if you enjoy being here please follow our simple rules. We'll do our best to answer your questions and help you any way we can. Nice trade huh?

    Simple rules. I'd rather not add to them. Let's keep it fun.

    Big Thanks to SINZA and Phyreblade from Exotic Automatic.
    Silly Person
    Silly Person
    Fresh Blood

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    Fresh Blood Doesn't meanI'm new to crossbows

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    Join date : 2010-01-12
    Location : Austin, Texas


    Post by Silly Person Sun Mar 28, 2010 12:15 am

    Ivo wrote:
    5. Post pictures and not the link to the picture.
    We have a link that shows how to post pictures, so post them if you can. Not the link.This goes to videos too, post the video before the link if you can. Use the 'EMBED' code.

    Uploading media that you wish to share is a great idea, and it can save a whole lot of problems

    If, instead, you put in a hot link to a chunk of media on anther website, there can be trouble. Hot Linking is frequently considered to be poor Internet manners. Grabbing of internal content like has a couple if issues:

    1) It is considered by some to a copyright violation, as it is a reuse of the materials without given proper context -- for example, the full original web page, and not just a picture that is part of it.

    2) Small web sites frequently have a limited number of (mega)bytes that they can transfer each month. Hot linking can cause smaller sites to unexpectedly run out of transfer bandwidth and take the site down. This takes out your link to the media, and messes up the operation of the web site.

    When hot linking can be ok: The limited bandwidth issue is not an issue at Flickr, YouTube, and other big sites , because their business is to push out the gigabytes. Hot linking with these folks is also not an issue as they give you the url to hot link the content!

    Here are some links to further discussions of the subject:

    ...or you can do a net search on "hot linking etiquette" like i just did.

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    Age : 36
    Location : NJ, USA


    Post by Ivo Sun Mar 28, 2010 12:35 pm

    ~Looks like I recently broke one of my own rules and I'm glad I did so, as it makes a great public example of what this rule is about and how it effects others when it isn't properly followed.>>>Link

    Silly Person,

    Thank you for the links and information you provided as they make an excellent addition to our list of rules.

    Good Day,

    Fresh Blood

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    Post by Lrodshy Sat Mar 09, 2013 6:57 pm

    Simple post! anyone with building a three pice bow (30 , please get in touch with me, Thank you
    Fresh Blood

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    Fresh Blood Doesn't meanI'm new to crossbows

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    Join date : 2013-04-28


    Post by Aaerive Sun Apr 28, 2013 10:42 pm

    Are we allowed to discuss crossbow battle formations/using crossbows in modern warfare?
    Crossbow Junkie

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    Age : 76
    Location : Living Aboard a Sailboat in Fort Myers, FL


    Post by kenh Mon Apr 29, 2013 6:35 am

    I suspect the kind of thing you're asking about will 'play better' on
    one of the many medieval/renaissance/fantasy combat sites.

    You could ask, but 99% of the folks here are interested in building crossbows and shooting them for hunting and target; but not their application to outmoded military strategies or current military activities.
    Crossbow Junkie

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    Crossbow JunkieI live here!

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    Post by ferdinand Mon Apr 29, 2013 9:29 am

    Nope, the time of shooting the neighbours over land and money are long gone!
    Target shooting and hunting is indeed the only thing.
    But if u want to talk equipment or distance that should be fine!
    Man vs man is more a larp thing i guess.
    Fresh Blood

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    Fresh Blood Doesn't meanI'm new to crossbows

    Posts : 3
    Join date : 2013-04-28


    Post by Aaerive Mon Apr 29, 2013 11:22 pm

    Not for combat sites.

    I just want to know if its against the rules
    Crossbow Junkie

    I live here!

    Crossbow JunkieI live here!

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    Join date : 2012-08-03
    Age : 76
    Location : Living Aboard a Sailboat in Fort Myers, FL


    Post by kenh Tue Apr 30, 2013 6:31 am

    Rules? What rules? Nah, your topic isn't against any rules, as long as you don't call names and are reasonably careful in language (we have a lot of European members who won't understand American slang and abbreviations).

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