New to the site sorry for posting in the wrong place, learning the rope.
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I don't know how to figure the length of string needed. I buy my first string and measure it. That way I know the strands, serving length and length to go with that prod. It is an extra $20 but it works for me.Hermit wrote:Regarding the crossbow string,years ago,when I got into making mine,there was a simple formula which I used and which worked well.Take the bow draw weight(as an example 200lbs.)multiply that by 4(the safety factor)then divide that number by the breaking strain of the string material.Dacron is I believe 50lbs. per strand.Using this formula gives a string thickness of 16 strands.When the string is made,it should be well coated with beeswax.this was done by rubbing the beeswax onto the string,and then rubbing the string with a piece of leather.The friction of the leather on the string creates heat,which melted the beeswax into the string.String maintainance is important if you want to get good service from your string.When you have been using the bow for a while,you should be able to tell from the look of the string when it needs re-waxing,or a good rub to re-melt the beeswax.
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