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Crossbows - Everything about Building, Modding, and Using your Crossbow Gear

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» Skane/Lillohus lockbow information needed
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5 posters

    How do you feel about miniature crossbows?

    El Zurdo
    El Zurdo
    Fresh Blood

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    Fresh Blood Doesn't meanI'm new to crossbows

    Posts : 23
    Join date : 2016-11-24
    Age : 60
    Location : Ille sur Têt south of France

    How do you feel about miniature crossbows? Empty How do you feel about miniature crossbows?

    Post by El Zurdo Wed Jul 22, 2020 1:39 am

    Good morning, everyone,

    This is Gilles Lavandera, I'm French. I create in 2020 my manufacture workshop of fully functional miniature weapons. 
    All my creations are unique handmade pieces. All my weapons are made to order and estimate, each copy is different from another. 

    I have a website Atelier Armes Miniatures >

    which allows you to choose your model and have a Chu Ko Nu, a medieval crossbow or a modern crossbow made to measure.

    My YouTube channel >

    presents some examples of models already manufactured.  At the time I used to do this as a hobby, now the quality of my production is superior. 
    My website is open for pre-orders, it will be fully operational (payment and transport) only from September. 
    Can you tell me what you think about my products and my sales site? 
    My website has been active since mid-June and few people ask me any questions or request a quote. 
    Are my products too expensive for you or do they not meet your expectations? 
    Miniature art is very confidential I know, but I think that people do not know that it exists. 

    Thank you for your feedback Gilles. In the meantime, here is my latest creation > 

    Crossbow Junkie

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    How do you feel about miniature crossbows? Empty Re: How do you feel about miniature crossbows?

    Post by kenh Thu Jul 23, 2020 5:10 am

    Your work looks very good.  But this is a site for people who build their own crossbows -- not for people who collect miniatures.

    Your lack of sales inquiries is no doubt a direct result of the Covid-19 global pandemic -- people have more things to think about than expensive collectibles.  Also slow sales are due, no doubt, to the high costs of your creations.  For those prices we can create several full scale crossbows.

    El Zurdo likes this post

    Master Crossbowyer
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    How do you feel about miniature crossbows? Empty Re: How do you feel about miniature crossbows?

    Post by Geezer Thu Jul 23, 2020 6:49 pm

    Very pretty work, you are to be commended.  Doesn't really fit with this group.  Geezer.

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    El Zurdo
    El Zurdo
    Fresh Blood

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    Fresh Blood Doesn't meanI'm new to crossbows

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    Join date : 2016-11-24
    Age : 60
    Location : Ille sur Têt south of France

    How do you feel about miniature crossbows? Empty Re: How do you feel about miniature crossbows?

    Post by El Zurdo Sat Jul 25, 2020 8:07 am

    kenh wrote:Your work looks very good.  But this is a site for people who build their own crossbows -- not for people who collect miniatures.

    Your lack of sales inquiries is no doubt a direct result of the Covid-19 global pandemic -- people have more things to think about than expensive collectibles.  Also slow sales are due, no doubt, to the high costs of your creations.  For those prices we can create several full scale crossbows.
    Hello and thank you very much for your response.  Smile

    People who order miniatures from my site can have their "dream" miniature made. 
    Which collector has not dreamed of having a miniature object that perfectly matches his choice (wood species, decorations color, engravings)? 
    I agree with you on the pandemic and its impact on sales. 
    On the price side, I also agree on the high cost of my products. 
    To build a reverse draw crossbow requires more than 300 hours of work...I pay myself 10 € per hour for highly technical work. 
    In France this is the lowest legal hourly rate (I would earn as much to sweep a street...). 

    Sincerely Gilles
    El Zurdo
    El Zurdo
    Fresh Blood

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    Fresh Blood Doesn't meanI'm new to crossbows

    Posts : 23
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    Age : 60
    Location : Ille sur Têt south of France

    How do you feel about miniature crossbows? Empty Re: How do you feel about miniature crossbows?

    Post by El Zurdo Sat Jul 25, 2020 8:26 am

    Geezer wrote:Very pretty work, you are to be commended.  Doesn't really fit with this group.  Geezer.

    Hello and thank you for your response,  Wink

    You're right, my site doesn't match any group. There aren't many sites specializing in the sale of miniatures. 
    When they do exist, they often concern mass-produced products or cheap craftsmanship but rarely functional miniature weapons. 
    It's very difficult to reach my customers. Potential customers, collectors interested in miniature weapons and financially affluent, are rare. 
    These people rarely go on YouTube and don't especially search for their products in the internet search bar . 
    My problem is summarized, find the right customers and sell my products at the right price.

    Sincerely Gilles
    Fresh Blood

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    Fresh Blood Doesn't meanI'm new to crossbows

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    How do you feel about miniature crossbows? Empty Re: How do you feel about miniature crossbows?

    Post by tallpine Sat Jul 25, 2020 9:36 pm

    You are obviously a very skilled craftsman. Have you ever considered building full sized weapons? It would definitely widen your customer base. I really like your matchlocks

    El Zurdo likes this post

    El Zurdo
    El Zurdo
    Fresh Blood

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    Fresh Blood Doesn't meanI'm new to crossbows

    Posts : 23
    Join date : 2016-11-24
    Age : 60
    Location : Ille sur Têt south of France

    How do you feel about miniature crossbows? Empty Re: How do you feel about miniature crossbows?

    Post by El Zurdo Mon Jul 27, 2020 7:59 am

    tallpine wrote:You are obviously a very skilled craftsman. Have you ever considered building full sized weapons? It would definitely widen your customer base. I really like your matchlocks

    Thank you, my friend,  Very Happy
    I have a lot of French friends who would like me to make real size matchlock for the Tanzutsu competitions. 
    The last French craftsman has stopped for a while and only the lower quality Spanish Arsa models remain >

    I refuse to produce real size weapons for 2 reasons.  ???
    If I make life-size weapons, I become a weapon maker with all the heaviness of this status; Certificates of conformity, clearances, accreditations, and so on! 
    I am not equipped to machine large parts, I only have micro-machines. I can bore and rifle a barrel up to 10 inches Cal .177. I can't do it on a 30" Cal .52 barrel!
    Crossbow Junkie

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    How do you feel about miniature crossbows? Empty Re: How do you feel about miniature crossbows?

    Post by Gnome Tue Jul 28, 2020 4:26 pm

    Wow, Gilles, really fantastic work. I have a few different hobby interests, two of which are crossbows and scale modelling, so it is really interesting for me to see someone combine the two. There's something magical about miniatures, especially ones that work.

    As it happens, my day job right now is with a company that produces custom light sabers. I bring that up because I wouldn't be too discouraged about the pandemic negatively impacting sales. Despite predictions, our sales are booming right now. I guess people need diversions more than ever in times like these. It's all about reaching your market.

    Yes, this forum is for people who like to build their own full size crossbows, but as long as you don't spam us with sales pitches, I appreciate your posting here. If you make one sale as a result, it was probably worth the time.


    El Zurdo likes this post

    El Zurdo
    El Zurdo
    Fresh Blood

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    Fresh Blood Doesn't meanI'm new to crossbows

    Posts : 23
    Join date : 2016-11-24
    Age : 60
    Location : Ille sur Têt south of France

    How do you feel about miniature crossbows? Empty Re: How do you feel about miniature crossbows?

    Post by El Zurdo Wed Jul 29, 2020 7:21 am

    Gnome wrote:Wow, Gilles, really fantastic work. I have a few different hobby interests, two of which are crossbows and scale modelling, so it is really interesting for me to see someone combine the two. There's something magical about miniatures, especially ones that work.

    As it happens, my day job right now is with a company that produces custom light sabers. I bring that up because I wouldn't be too discouraged about the pandemic negatively impacting sales. Despite predictions, our sales are booming right now. I guess people need diversions more than ever in times like these. It's all about reaching your market.

    Yes, this forum is for people who like to build their own full size crossbows, but as long as you don't spam us with sales pitches, I appreciate your posting here. If you make one sale as a result, it was probably worth the time.


    Thank you dear Gnome for your comments on the quality of my work.  Smile
    Few people perceive the difficulty of doing fully functional work on a small scale. With my dear friend Michel Lefaivre, one of the best craftsmen of its kind in the world >

    Joking about our art, we say that we "bother" us, at squared to the reduction of scale! 1/2 = 4 times harder, 1/6 = 36 times harder.  Laughing
    It's been several years that I post on 2 French forums, none of them brought me an order. 
    It's more to share with connoisseurs and to have the feeling of weapon enthusiasts on my creations that I post on the forums. 
    As this post proves, people interested in real weapons are rarely potential buyers.  Wink

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