Hey folks!
I'm John, a Biomedical sciences student from Durham in the UK. I've recently gained an interest in crossbow building after a pretty thorough foray into the modification and building of safe NERF weaponry for our university's Assassins society. I basically covered most of what can be done with that, and now I'm going for something a little prettier and more classic; the crossbow.
I'm intending to eventually build some real, high-poundage bows for target shooting, but for now my efforts will be geared towards producing replica bows with a strict poundage limit (30lbs at 15" draw) for use in live-action roleplay (LARP) and our Assassins games. These bows will need to look the part, but fit the strict safety guidelines of said societies/groups, and will need to fire soft-headed, front-heavy safety bolts (e.g. http://www.thevikingstore.co.uk/larp-crossbow-bolt-flat-headed-6115-p.asp).
At the moment I'm building my prototype bow, upon which future efforts will be based. The stock will be made from laminated sapele timber, the roller-nut made from the same, and a hand-forged (albeit with a blowtorch) tickler. The prodd will be carbon fibre, wrapped in cloth to avoid danger from limb failure.
I've ran into the issue of how to calculate the length of prodd I'll need in order to reach the desired poundage (30lbs to reiterate) at the correct draw length (15"), as I'm a little limited in terms of the material I have to hand, and so have little room to experiment. I'm planning to use two lengths of carbon fibre strip, one shorter than the other, to make a laminated prodd and even out the work done between the tips and centre of the prodd.
I'd be grateful for any suggestions anyone might have!
Last edited by Regeis on Sun Mar 31, 2013 3:05 pm; edited 1 time in total